Rights to light (R2L) protect the entitlement to receive adequate daylight through a property’s defined apertures such as windows. These rights are dating back to the 17th century and are established in English common law.
R2L are typically injured through vertical extensions of existing buildings or the construction of new build blocks. To establish an injury, it must be demonstrated that daylight has been enjoyed uninterrupted for a minimum of 20 years through the window(s) in question. Measurements and calculations by specialist surveyors will be required to further prove the infringement. Once an injury has been established, design changes, injunctions or financial compensation can be claimed.
Once Your Right 2 Light has identified freeholders or leaseholders whose rights have been injured, we will offer our services strictly on a No Win No Fee basis. We will only get paid once your claim is successful.
If you are concerned about your R2L, please contact our team for their expert advice.
Copyright 2021 We Can Help You Ltd
Your Right 2 Light is a trading name of We Can Help You Ltd, a company registered in England & Wales with registration number 13761880 and registered office St. George’s Works, The Shoe Quarter, Norwich. NR3 1DD